Thursday, November 27, 2008

Video and Quiz ?

Ok there are lots of video's on U-Tube. Millions being added each day.
Some have more value than others to say the least,
but when you have a video that is useful, you can now add a quiz to it to make it more interactive.

Looking for a way to add a short Quiz to a video.
This site is designed for students learning english but could be used for any level, as teacher can design their own questions.

Sample activity:
How to Find a Niche Market

Storyline Online

I've been on a quest to find web sites and tools that appeal to multiple intelligences and came across this one the other day.
Although it is more suitable for the elementary level It might be a way to get more students interested in reading and with all the video and Internet tools out there secondary students could create and publish their own book talk.

Looking for a fun way to read stories and encourage reading.
Check out, this free online story telling web site.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friends of Eramosa Karst Winter Walk

I'm involed with a local environmental community group and if you are in Hamilton Ontario, I invite you to join Friends of the Eramosa Karst conservation Area for a walk to view the caves and winter features. Hot drinks will be available.
Sunday Dec 7 at 2pm.

Click to play Fotek - winter walk
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox slideshow

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Classroom 2.0

Classroom 2.0 is an amazing web site with nearly 14000 educators interested in technology and education. A wonderful site for information, resources and professional development. I have only been a part of this group for a short time have found lots of FREE and amazing ideas and tools to make learning a teaching fun and interesting.
check it out!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Technology for Teachers, My e-learning favourites.

I have been teaching on-line for secondary students in my board in southern Ontario for only one year. This is my second year and I am developing a new course ( Business Entrepreneurship - E-Business) I was required to build all of my materials in :
First Class
This progam works fine, some limitations but easy to use.
We have also just began using -Adobe Connect
for webinars and conferncing. Although we still working out a few tech support items with our board server. It's definately will be a great tool for teaching online.

I have also be actively searching for ways to integrate multi- media to appeal to different learning styles, so a few other useful programs are:
Adobe Presenter- takes a PowerPoint and adds voice, students can forward rewind pause as needed. view a Sample

Another useful program that is FREE is JING
This is a wonderful screen capture program that allows you to show views what you mean by creating a flash and audio message. Here is a sample.

One more program that I haven't used a lot so far but has great potential is Voice Thread This program allows you to add multiple comments to a slide, visual or video. sample:

Making movies is easy with windows Movie Maker

That's just a few of my favorites and I 'm sure I will be finding more as I continue to work in an online environment.